
2 for1!Get Your Hookers Here! - Site about prostitution in Amsterdam which describes laws, standards, prices, pros, and cons about the work enviornment etc.

Prostitution Laws - This site includes a current listing of any and all current prostitution laws in the United States.

Everything Prostitution - Everything a person wishes to know about the life and times, and trials and tribulations of a working prostitute.

Fascinating and real life accounts of prostitution - These stories, brought to you by ABC NEWS, are chillingly realistic.

As Prostitutes Turn to Craigslist, the Law Takes Notice - Prostitution find a way to evade prosecution by slipping through the long arms of the law.

Prostitutes Taking Safety Precautions - Street walking prostitutes taking precautionary safety measures by wearing reflective vests while soliciting sex.  It ups their business while keeping them out of harms way on the roads at night.

Lobbying to Legalize Prostitution Through Persuasive Literature and Rhetoric - "instead of managing the problem through the medical and social interventions accompanied by regulation of the industry, critics of legalized prostitution would rather adopt porhibition and cold abandonment".

Amsterdam Prostitution Facts and Laws - The ins and outs of prostitution in the most famous of places.

In Ottawa Prostitutes Will Fend For Themselves - The federal government states that, "maximizing safety for prostitutes is not a federal obligation".

Could Americas Oldest Profession Create a Social Safety Net for its Workers?! - Prostitutes are getting non mandatory economic support at times when its most needed.  The client and prostitute relationship creates feeling of support and love in tough times.

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