Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Money, Madness, and Making things better!

Anti-prostitution laws are extremely expensive to uphold.  The average city in the United States spends upwards of 8 million dollars on prostitution control annually.  That is at an average rate of approximately two thousand dollars per case tried. Regardless of this fact, the streets continue to play host to a plethora of prostitutes.  Throwing money at the prostitution “problem” makes things worse.  This problem has a domino effect.  One problem on the street begets another problem.  It becomes a very slippery slope and a dangerous one as well.  The money spent by cities has become the band-aid to the prostitution bullet wound.  These prostitutes are fearful of the long arm of the law so where do they turn?  The answer is almost always “underground”.  Doesn’t that sound safe?!  Of course it doesn’t!  This is where the problems begin happening.  Rape, drug use, and abuse from pimps are just some of the sad realities that begin to occur in the criminal underworld.  Instead, why not use the cities money to keep prostitutes safe?  Why not set up a union, whereby street workers can pay dues?  Participation in the contribution of such dues could allow an inclusion of brothels for rent, medical treatment, safe sex regulations, and other positive standards which will allow for the ever present and ever thriving prostitutes to be safe and avoid the terror which awaits them when they are forced to ply their trade out of sight.  On the backside, no pun intended, the government can tax these sex workers and contribute to the real problems with prostitution.  Now instead of wasting money the state would be earning some, which in this economy is almost unheard of!  The appropriation of these funds can now help lead to the conviction of charges brought against the rapists, and the pimps who would by this time be forced out of their holes!

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